Integrate Machine Learning

Directly at the heart of your products and services

With our cutting-edge technology, we integrate machine learning directly into the core of our products and services, revolutionizing the way you do business.

Unique and most advanced technology on the market

Prime AI uses true Artificial Intelligence in the form of neural networks. Our technology is much more agile and accurate than any of our competitors’ analytical and statistical methods. We can go deeper and provide much finer resolution, so you can serve the very best size recommendation.

Powered by “true” AI Technology

Bespoke neural networks understand best fit

Automatically learn from Sales and Returns

Work down to SKU level

Core Technologies

Artificial intelligence, commonly referred to as AI, is set to transform the way businesses operate and how they approach and win new customers. Advances in computational power have brought to the forefront deep learning techniques powered by neural networks, which can understand and predict best product match, sales forecast and identify most promising customers.

PRIME AI was specifically formed to bring such specialized AI technologies to companies without specific AI expert knowledge, which falls outside their core competence set. PRIME AI specialise in Machine Learning and Optimisation technologies

Machine Learning using Neural Networks

Neural, or connectionist, networks mimic the human brain to understand problems. Bespoke network architectures can be developed by learning from supplied training sets of data. The resulting, intelligent system can perform various tasks including complex classifications, associations or predictions.

Optimisation using Genetic Algorithms

Genetic Algorithms are metaheuristic methods inspired by natural selection and Darwin’s evolution paradigm whereby the fittest solutions are evolved and combined towards finding global optimum in complex, non-linear problems.


Prime AI applies artificial intelligence to many industries and challenges, including engineering, retail and marketing. The Company’s tools and methods go beyond traditional analytics and linear optimisation technology. PRIME AI software is able to comprehend and make sense of the supplied data, enabling for smart decisions but also accurate extension of the data itself, rendering predictions and best guesses outside of the original data range. 


  • Predict business performance based on historical data with the aim of improving stock and staff management
  • Detect potential fraud activities
  • Prevent impending faults

Association & Classification

  • Identify suitable product recommendation based on customer details, past purchases and browsing history
  • Deliver tailored customer service based on customer feedback
  • Recruitment recommendation based on candidate and company current successful employees profiles
  • Sort, reduce and compile large amount of unstructured company data

Optimisation & Regression

  • Product modeling and optimisation to lower cost and/or increase performance
  • Development of fast and agile surrogate models
  • Sophisticated optimisation using experimental, computational or surrogate testing


Seamless implementation, and the communication with the team behind it has been outstanding. Monthly data and insights proactively shared by Prime AI team, help us make informed decisions, and explore new possibilities.

Laura O’Neill Website Manager

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